The Potash Cycle
Potash is formed through failed oceans that dried up leaving salt behind. We extract this salt from depths of 685 to 850m underground and concentrate it to a fertilizer grade potash product using only hot water with the byproduct being table salt that is temporarily stored in dry piles prior to being returned underground much as the potash is also returned to earth on farmers fields. Potash helps strengthen the stem of plants to make them more robust to stress to produce higher crop yields of superior quality.
Agriculture develops and food arrives at the table strengthened by a mineral that is essential for human health.
Potash in Brazil
What we do
Today, 95% of the potash consumed in Brazil to grow food, is imported. We want to reduce this dependence by being a key domestic to the agricultural sector.
The majority of potash used in Brazil comes from the mines that are located up to 20,000 kilometres away in Canada, Russia, Germany and Israel. As our potash deposits of Autazes, Itacoatiara and Itapiranga lie inside Brazil, just a few kilometres from majors rivers in the country, the transport distance to reach Brazilian farmers will be substantially reduced. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions, resulting from the transport of product will be significantly lower.
Brazilian produced potash may reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 80%, compared to potash produced and shipped from Saskatchewan, Canada, which currently accounts for 32% of all potash consumed in Brazil.
Potash from Canada travels along railways, on ships, and trucks to its final destination in Brazil, emitting roughly 1.4M tons CO2 per year more then Brazil Potash is expected to emit.
For just the Autazes deposit, at a production rate of 2.4 million tonnes per year, potash produced that displaces Canadian potash, will result in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to planting 32 million new trees.
The Future is Now
The Autazes Project
Construction is planned to start soon and will take just over four years until initial production.
Autazes is a municipality with just over 37,000 inhabitants and limited infrastructure. According to data from the IBGE, the majority of residents do not have access to adequate basic sanitation and suffer from failures in the electricity network. In roughly 50% of the households the per person income is equal to half the Brazilian minimum monthly salary by law.
Brazil Potash will create approximately 1,200 direct jobs during the installation phase and 1,500 during the operations phase. Each direct job will create four additional indirect jobs.
The municipality will benefit from an increase in tax revenues and will have more funds that can be invested in schools, water quality, roads and healthcare services.
The Autazes deposit is capable of providing, an estimated 20% of the potash Brazil needs for at least the next 20 years.
The Future is Now
The Autazes Project
Construction is planned to start soon and will take just over four years until initial production.
Autazes is a municipality with just over 37,000 inhabitants and limited infrastructure. According to data from the IBGE, the majority of residents do not have access to adequate basic sanitation and suffer from failures in the electricity network. In roughly 50% of the households the per person income is equal to half the Brazilian minimum monthly salary by law.
Brazil Potash will create approximately 1,200 direct jobs during the installation phase and 1,500 during the operations phase. Each direct job will create four additional indirect jobs.
The municipality will benefit from an increase in tax revenues and will have more funds that can be invested in schools, water quality, roads and healthcare services.
The Autazes deposit is capable of providing, between 20% and 30% of the potash Brazil needs every year, for the next 30 years.
Learn More
About Potash
Potash is an essential element for the efficient growth of plants. When there is a lack of potash in the soil, plants are less resistant to changes in the weather and to insect bites. The quality of harvests is also compromised by weak stems, smaller grains and irregular shapes.
Brazilian soil is lacking in potash and that’s why it’s necessary to add it in the form of fertilizer.
Our health also depends on potash. A lack of this element in the human body can lead to cramps, growth problems, respiratory problems, strokes and even a slow heartbeat.
Casa Luz da Infância - Autazes/AM - Brazil
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Fun Facts
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Specialists involved in the environmental studies for the Autazes project identified 10 potentially new species when they were cataloguing the animals that live in the surrounding area?
In the project region there are rocks that are between 250 and 300 million years old, which means that they were there when dinosaurs appeared on the planet?
The potash reserves are the result of the evaporation of ancient seas.
Studies have been conducted to identify archeological sites in the area around the enterprise? The analysis of these sites may help to understand the history of the region.
Potash is the seventh most abundant chemical element in the Earth’s crust and it is represented by the letter K in the periodic table.
Potash is the second lightest chemical element in nature.
Despite the importance of potash to the human body, it should never be consumed in its pure state. To stay healthy you should eat foods that contain potash, such as bananas, almonds, avocados, beets, cauliflower and walnuts.
Diets rich in potash are good for people who suffer from hypertension because potash lowers blood pressure?
Potash carbonate is used to make special types of glass.
Potash hydroxide is used in the production of liquid soaps and detergents.
Brazil Potash
Where We Are
Brazil Potash is owned by over 7,000 shareholders primarily located in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Brazil.
The headquarters of Potássio do Brasil Ltda. is located in Manaus, and the company’s Operational Headquarters is in Autazes, 112 kilometers from Manaus in the state of Amazonas, where the mineral deposit identified by the company is located.
Previously, the project area was used solely for livestock. In addition to the underground mine, an industrial plant for ore processing, a port for material shipment, and the road connecting the plant and port will be expanded and refurbished.
The Administrative Headquarters of Potássio do Brasil is in Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais. The city hosts numerous specialists in the sector and many companies in the field, facilitating interaction with the market.
Brazil Potash
Where We Are
Brazil Potash is owned by over 7,000 shareholders primarily located in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Brazil.
The headquarters of Potássio do Brasil Ltda. is located in Manaus, and the company’s Operational Headquarters is in Autazes, 112 kilometers from Manaus in the state of Amazonas, where the mineral deposit identified by the company is located.
Previously, the project area was used solely for livestock. In addition to the underground mine, an industrial plant for ore processing, a port for material shipment, and the road connecting the plant and port will be expanded and refurbished.
The Administrative Headquarters of Potássio do Brasil is in Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais. The city hosts numerous specialists in the sector and many companies in the field, facilitating interaction with the market.