Learn about Brazil Potash
Our company is starting construction of a new facility to extract and process potash ore, an essential nutrient for the global agricultural sector. The goal is to create a complete cycle of development, extracting potash from underground soil layers so it can be used to fertilize soil to grow various types of crops.
Potash is taken from the earth and returned to it, strengthening the crops grown, enhancing the quality and productivity of plantations, and helping to sustain the continuous growth of agribusiness, which contributes roughly 25% to Brazil’s GDP.
Our operation will reduce an estimated 1.4 million tons per year of Green House Gas emissions through a combination of using primarily renewable sourced electricity supplied by Brazil’s national electricity grid and avoidance of substantial unnecessary international transportation by supplying Brazil with ~20% of its potash domestically.
Our History
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Founding of Brazil Potash, a private company in Brazil, controlled by both Brazilian and foreign investors.
Received permits required under Brazilian legislation and began exploratory drilling in the region where the potash deposits lie: the Amazon.
Commerced the environmental studies needed to implement the project.
Delivery of the final survey report to the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM).
Approval of the report by the DNPM and granting of the preliminary license by the Environmental Protection Institute of the Amazon (IPAAM).
Conclusion of the Technical and Economic Feasibility Study conducted by an independent company.
Preparation of the environmental and social plans and programs.
Indigenous Consultation and development of Sustainable Project.
Over USD 180 million has already been invested on the discovery and development of the project. USD 2 billion will be invested by the time construction is complete.
Resumption of consultations with the execution of the SECOND STEP – The Urucurituba Assembly and the start of local meetings in each of the villages as part of the THIRD and FOURTH STEPS of the Protocol.
Our History
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Founding of Brazil Potash, a private company in Brazil, controlled by both Brazilian and foreign investors.
Received permits required under Brazilian legislation and began exploratory drilling in the region where the potash deposits lie: the Amazon.
Commerced the environmental studies needed to implement the project.
Delivery of the final survey report to the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM).
Approval of the report by the DNPM and granting of the preliminary license by the Environmental Protection Institute of the Amazon (IPAAM).
Conclusion of the Technical and Economic Feasibility Study conducted by an independent company.
Preparation of the environmental and social plans and programs.
Indigenous Consultation and development of Sustainable Project.
Over USD 180 million has already been invested on the discovery and development of the project. USD 2 billion will be invested by the time construction is complete.
Resumption of consultations with the execution of the SECOND STEP – The Urucurituba Assembly and the start of local meetings in each of the villages as part of the THIRD and FOURTH STEPS of the Protocol.
Our Team
Corporate Leadership
Brazil Potash is a growing company that employs experienced professionals and is supported by a board of directors with extensive market knowledge and international experience.

Matt Simpson
Ryan Ptolemy
CFO Brazil Potash
Neil Said
Legal Council Brazil Potash